Spam Blocking Services

Spam is a royal pain in the inbox.  We all know this.  How do you put a stop to it?  Use third party filters or Outlook rules?  Maybe, but this doesn't stop the spam, it just hides it from you.  What about new spam?  You'll have to update your filters every time a new one comes in.  Spammers know this and continually change their email address, their IP address and word spelling to get around your filters.  Filters also tend to block legitimate messages you would otherwise welcome.  Filters and Rules do not stop the messages from arriving in your inbox, they just hide them.  Your mail server is still accepting the messages and delivering them to you so the spammer continues to send spam to your mail server.  This is a huge waste of Internet bandwidth and server performance.  Bottom line: Filters and Rules are not a long term spam solution.

What if you could block the spam before it ever gets to your server?  This would refuse spam from the sender and the spammer would end up with a full outbox as the messages are never being accepted by the mail server.  Instead of filling your inbox with spam, fill the spammer's outbox with their own junk.  Eventually the spammer will stop sending spam to your server as it only fills their outbox and then they must clean their outbox of the junk.  A dramatic one-two punch to the spammer.  Simply don't accept it.  Additionally all spam detected by our servers is reported as suspect to various spam organizations, eventually resulting in them being blacklisted.

We utilize three spam servers who sole purpose is to test all incoming messages for sender legitimacy and cross reference the sender's IP address with a global database of known spammers.  Along with URL sifting, Sender Policy Framework, MX and reverse-DNS lookup and several other developing techniques to determine legitimacy, this has proven to be a very accurate system.  These databases are continually updated as new sources are discovered dynamically.  Utilizing three separate servers across multiple isolated networks allows for redundancy in mail services thus providing 100% mail server availability.  No downtime is a good thing we think.  In the event your private in-network mail server does go down, our servers will hold (mailbag) your mail indefinitely until your server returns online.  This eliminates any bounce back messages your senders may receive while your server is offline as we accept mail on your behalf and also ensures that all your mail is delivered to you once your server returns online.  Again, no mail downtime.  In the event of a "false-positive" trap, each user has access to their individual "spambox" to view trapped messages and the ability to release any they deem acceptable to their inbox, this action places that sender into their permanent allow list so future emails from that sender will no longer be subject to filtering.

This service is available to to hosted and non-hosted customers for a small monthly fee.  This covers your entire domain and every email address in your domain.  This is not a per email address fee, it covers your entire domain and every email address.  We currently provide this service for several non-hosting customers who have their own private in-network mail servers or utilize another hosting provider's mail servers.  (A simple MX record change is all that is needed to activate the service).  These customers have since then removed all their Outlook filters and rules within their agency and no longer subscribe to per email address services or licensed software.

Let us know if we can help you agency put a stop to spam.

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