Web Hosting

"Less than 28 cents per day for unlimited hack proof spam filtered entire organization collaborative mobile service".

We have developed a "hacker proof" website design model.  Has your website ever been hacked?  We have the solution, multi-tiered web servers.  One master web server behind a firewall where all publications take place and those changes/updates/postings get replicated out to multiple presentation web servers.  If one or more presentation web servers gets hacked, the master will notice the file changes and replicate the master copy back out to the effected web server automatically in real-time.  This multi-tiered design model coupled with multiple presentation web servers guarantees that your website will not only be available online in the event of a server outage but the chances of anyone even knowing your website was hacked is minimal to none.  We also incorporate the latest in security software on all our servers and monitor them constantly.  Say goodbye to website hacks and website outages.

We offer this multi-tiered solution for only $10.00 per month with no enforced limits.  What we mean by enforced limits is that your web hosting account is setup with no limitations on size, email accounts, transfer bytes, etc.  We want to be fair and we know that all websites are not created equal and all organizations are not limited to 10 email accounts.  In the past we have only needed to enforce one limitation where an account holder was utilizing 2.3 Gigs of storage space and offering free downloads of pirated software to the public with very high bandwidth utilization.  We are not in the practice of becoming a hackers' distribution site.  In short, you behave fairly with us, we will behave fairly with you.

All of our servers incorporate Microsoft Exchange in a similar multi-tiered fashion and have full support for ALL mobile devices and operating systems.  With hosted Microsoft Exchange your company can benefit from shared Public Folders, Calendars, Contacts, Etc to improve your employee collaboration both in the office and out in the field as we guarantee full support for any mobile device.  Along with multiple SpamFiltering servers that will reduce all that junk in your inbox leads to an overall beneficial design.

SpamFiltering is an optional service that can be turned on or off for your entire organization or individual users.  We can also offer SpamFiltering for your organization without being hosted by us; a simple MX record update is all it requires to take advantage of the SpamFiltering service.  SpamFiltering service also provides your organization with the added benefit of "Mail Bagging".  "Mail Bagging" means that we hold onto your inbound email in the event your data center is offline for any reason outside of your control.  This way if you should find yourself with an Internet connection issue or a server issue or simply performing "Server Maintenance", inbound mail will be accepted on your behalf instead of "Returned To Sender" due to "Host Unavailable".  Once your data center comes back online our SpamFiltering servers will automatically send your mail held in queue.

Any of these optional services do not require that we host your website and are included for free with any hosting solution.  Any or all the above for $10/month!  Special $100 per year flat rate for new customers!  That's less than 28 cents per day for unlimited hack proof spam filtered entire organization collaborative mobile service.  Say that five times...

We currently support HTML, ASP, Java, PHP, PERL, MySQL and MODX on all of our servers and will install additional languages to meet your requirements.

Looking to rent a server for private use?  We offer managed Microsoft Windows servers for 100% full private use for a flat rate of $100/mo.  You get remote "Console" control via Microsoft Remote Desktop and/or any other "Remote Administration" software you prefer.

Just email us and let us know how we can serve you and we'll get it taken care of.

Need a domain name?

Contact us for more information.